Going on a ‘detox' is something we often hear from friends and acquaintances keen to kick off the New Year with a clean bill of health. Perhaps inspired by a few too many hangovers during the party season or feeling sluggish after the Christmas feasting, there is a sense of turning over a new leaf and committing to a cleaner lifestyle at this time of year in particular. And what better time to start? The weather is warming up in Melbourne so lighter eating and fresh foods are on the menu anyway!
So what are we really talking about when we say ‘detox'? Well, in essence, this is a way to support the healing and elimination systems of the body. It is gentle – unlike anything medieval you may have been imagining, it doesn't involve powerful purgatives or attacking your gall bladder with lemon juice and olive oil concoctions. Your body is comprised of a multitude of organs and processes designed to guide harmful substances out and maintain health and vitality. A program to support this process, simply helps the body do what it does best – detox!
One of the best things you can do for your body is to get enough sleep. Sleeping early while on a detox regime is particularly important. Specifically, this is because many of your natural detoxification processes occur while you are asleep. Without enough sleep, these processes can be short changed and you will feel, sluggish and under par. The inability to shake extra kilos can also be linked to poor sleep habits. So, detoxing your sleep routine is an essential part of the process.
Your liver is one of the primary organs of detoxification and its function can be compromised by loading up on foods with flavour enhancers, alcohol, caffeine, panadol or even necessary prescription medications. Many people see a detox as a once a year spring clean, but in essence, a detox where you focus on eating, at least five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit per day, good quality proteins, essential fatty acids from nuts, seeds and fish, Supplement with probiotics (yoghurt, kefir, etc.) to improve digestive function is, is an excellent way to maintain your health any time of year.